Monday, August 9, 2010

Abuja, Nigeria

Hi Everyone!

We're here! We made it into Abuja on Friday evening and spent the night unpacking in our 3 bedroom apartment! It is huge! They are all marble floors, which we had lots of fun mopping! We need to buy some rugs. On Saturday we went shopping at a local store called Grand Central, they had a lot of groceries, electronics, and household things. Most items are a lot more expensive here, but we are learning the cheaper stores to go to! As an example a box of granola bars was about $7. Good thing Matt brought 20 boxes worth!

The weather here has been beautiful. Many days were actually cooler than back home, but it is humid here. It rained for the first time last night, and it has been rainy of and on all day. Not to bad for the rainy season!

The people from the school have been amazing to us and we have made some new friends already there are about 5 of us that are new or only have two years of teachign experience. So we have all bonded well. There are some really cool features of the city, but you can really tell that it is still being developed. There is construction all over the place. There are a lot of american items here, but like Leah said you ahve to pay for them. Like we found a Wii the other day and it was only $500.00 dollars or so.

We hae been in meetings all day today and are getting more information that will be the nuts and bolts of how the school functions. There is a lot fo good PE equipment here, but during the rains I'm not sure where I will teach or what I will be able to teach because there is only on e little classroom for me to use and one multipurpose gym to use between three PE teachers. It's really crazy because the high school has about 10 students and there are 400 students here. So I figure that I will have at least 300 students to teach which is kind of overwhelming. The names are not the easiest to remember here. I miss hearing the name John for every guy you meet and emily or sarah for every girl! It is fun though. We are working on getting our internet so as soon as we do we will be skyping people and adding pictures to our post.


  1. Oh!!!!! Leah You are so sweet I can't believe you are in Africa!! How exciting! What is the food like? How are the people? Tell All soon.

  2. I'm glad you guys are safe and having fun! You're in my prayers, and I can't wait to hear more and see pictures! Love you guys! -Kari

  3. Good to hear you arrived safetly and are getting to know some people. Goody, I have Skype downloaded and I got a webcam. I'm trying to find my microphone, then we can talk soon.

  4. Thanks Mark for the post I'll search for you on skype unless you find me first. Life here is going well, we jsut been doing a lot of school prep, but today we got a break when we were driven to a art place called nike art.It was simply amazing. There was all kinds crazy art and the people were really nice and they took us through their shop talked about the art, then they took us to the work shop and gave us demonstrations on how to do all the different types of art.Then they let us dye a hanky. Then they did a drum and dance skit for about 25 minutes for us. It was great!! The people are wonderful. The people that have taught at the school longer than a year really love Nigeria and enjoy going all over the place. So we are hoping to go on a small trip sometime later this month to see a big parade thing. Should be interesting. Also one other tid bit we have the presidents kids in our school, just nuts. Anyways life is good I miss talking to you though. How are the plans for the T-wolf going? Say hi to Carmen for us.



  5. So glad to hear that you made it there safely!! Sounds like a grand adventure already :) Praying for you and thinking of you often!

